Over the years, the Rotary Club Of Glenelg has been a positive face in the Glenelg community. By initiating and getting involved with a host of programs and activities that has benefited the whole community. We are always out there looking for ways to help improve our community.
Have a look below at some of the projects we are currently involved in.
Rotary Club of Glenelg has Partnered with the Following Charities to Achieve its Service Project Goals

Supporting People in Need
Working with Foodbank, they are now the largest hunger relief organisation in Australia. In July club members assist at collection points collecting food for the needy.

Supporting People in Need
Working with Heart & Soul, club members regularly help out at the Free Food Markets that Heart and Soul organise for those in need.

Helping the Homeless
We are proud to work with Our Street Family Matters who provide home-cooked food, clothing, water, toiletries, and other essential items for those struggling to survive on the Streets of Adelaide.

Delivering Meals
We have a weekly roster were some of our members assist Meals On Wheels deliver food to the elderly.

Helping Less Fortunate Children
We help with fund raisers for Back Pack For Kids.

Helping Less Fortunate Children
We help with fund raisers for Kick Start For Kids.

Helping Less Fortunate Children
Rumbling Tummies is associated with FoodBank, we help collect food for children in need.
Our Other Community Projects

Helping Less Fortunate Children
We do a Christmas gift drive, gathering Christmas gifts, food hampers and Christmas sacks for disadvantaged children.

Helping Glenelg
Every Christmas RCOG supplies the Glenelg Christmas pageant float. Along with the kids of Glenelg we make sure that father Christmas is safely brought home every year.